Grandmaster of Memory
Memory Coach

Hi I'm Coach Erwin

- International Grandmaster of Memory
- 1st and only Asian Master of Memory in the Philippines
- 1st and 7x Philippine Memory Champion
- International Memory Athlete and Coach
- Won 95 medals in different international memory competitions
- World Memory Championship and World Quizzing Championship veteran
- Quizzer and won several quiz competitions
- Founder, NeuronConnect Learning Hub
Visit and Like Erwin Balines - Grandmaster of Memory Facebook Page

I help people to enhance their memory

what can I do for you?

Keynote Speaking

Memory Workshops

1 on 1 Memory Coaching (SOON)

Memory Consulting

Live Memory Demonstration

Memory Sports Coaching

what My clients have to say

Do You Want To Boost Your Memory?

drop Me a line and keep in touch